Tag: massage
Massages are performed with different techniques in the effects and the executions but using anyway and usually the therapeutic nature of the hands of those who run them that with his spurs energy and boosts the body in its ability to regenerate.
The gentle massage, light and superficial
When we resort to manual massage for the treatment of cellulite especially in advanced stage violent massage should never be used as initial therapy.
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Begin to find a comfortable position, lying on the bed or soft sofa, aligns your arms parallel to the body with the legs slightly spread. Now that you’re lying comfortably he begins to focus on the breath. Without exaggeration make a series of four or five breaths simply slowing down the pace of your breathing. Inspire slowly and exhale even more slowly. When you inspire your air enters from the nose to descend slowly into the throat to fill the lungs. When you exhale, feel the air go back slowly from the chest to the throat out of the mouth. Continua a leggere “MASSAGE THE FACE AND SLEEP WELL”
Whenever I happen to watch a video where a barber in addition to the haircut and shave full beard treatment through massage to the face or head, and the other, as is the case in Turkey in India and other parts of the world a pleasant shiver I climb from the belly to the head and then spreads throughout the body. All the tensions of the body dissolve and I feel a pleasant sense of relaxation. In a few moments later more and more into the person in the video is receiving treatment in identifying with him I feel I can almost hear the same pleasurable sensations he is feeling who really enjoys the massage of the face or head. I ‘a wonderful feeling that I wish would never end. We know that the videos do not last forever so I eventually an abrupt return to reality. Even if I feel more calm and relaxed. I realize that what I feel in watching these videos is not the case at all. At this point you do not have to try. Many experts say that to relax enough to find the so-called “Tingles” just who do the job.