Relaxation techniques alongside traditional massages are important because they allow you to retrieve an ideal state of physical, mental and even physical appearance have a positive effect because, help fight stress, the number one enemy of beauty.
Diabetes, stress and metropolis
Born and grow up in a large urban area is a risk factor for psychological disorders such as anxiety and mood disorders also commuting and the place where you live plays a significant role in the growth of diabetes. The frenetic pace of the large cities, spending much time on public transport to get to their jobs, or even worse to spend in the car several hours bottled in the middle of the day to the urban traffic movements, this lifestyle would favor the onset of diabetes type 2. in fact, as a recent study involving a representative sample of residents in five cities, it showed that an organism weakened by stress of noise and commuting would cause the pancreas to produce insulin in a quantity of less than that required by determining the onset of diabetes. This study is a response to the sharp increase of diabetics who have registered in recent years among residents of large cities. In light of this important study it is hoped that governments take into account the employment status of residents in big cities. Moreover, another risk factor for those who live in a big city certainly is the noise that reached the truly unacceptable levels which obviously causes negative effects on the quality of sleep is an extremely important factor in the morale and welfare of the people. Especially traffic noise, which has a strong influence on the nervous system, has been recognized as the architect known worldwide as a cause of stress that can become cronico.Purtroppo is not easy to fight noise pollution, the best thing would be to move away from city, but small measures can improve the situation. Such as double glazing or panels or sound-absorbing sheaths to be applied to walls and floors, or in extreme situations, especially before going to bed, use of acoustic earplugs to soften ambient noise because it ‘s not heard He never sleeps and feels everything, even in his sleep. The brain works incessantly, day and night. It is for this reason that the noise at night is considered very harmful, because it affects the body even when we realize it.
ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response)
ASMR is a relaxation technique that led away anxiety and helps you sleep. This method applies to many but not for all. ASMR is short Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response is known by this acronym because it was first developed
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Help I want to sleep
Sleep the necessary hours at night to wake up refreshed to make the most beautiful of all one needs to deal with the right determination and consciousness becomes more and more difficult especially since the evening our brains are clogged with so many thoughts that do not allow us to detach readily from all that has happened during the day or in the days before. Maybe because having done the necessary reflections we have not found a solution to a problem or we simply do not address a situation with the right substance and timeliness. All this makes us feel bad and you unconsciously accumulate stress and anxiety and physical pain, there is a growing fatigue but unfortunately you can not get to sleep. When we find ourselves in this situation, we must have the modesty to make a stop and we must relax and not be ashamed to ask for help, not to run away in front of certain situations that can happen again and that require all our strength and peace of mind to be addressed . Sleep is a basic element of good health. Sleep little and badly due to fatigue, weakening of cognitive abilities and overall reduced quality of vita.I treatments for insomnia are certainly not lacking, among the possible strategies are natural remedies, alternative therapies, cognitive therapies conportamentali some over the counter medicines and sleeping pills. Among the alternative therapies are meditation .Diverse forms of meditation involve a number of health benefits. The advantages are so many that perhaps it would be appropriate to include meditation, with exercise and a good diet, among the instruments that guarantee perfect health in the long term. Among the easiest to learn and at the same time effective meditations to relax and get to sleep is that based on the breath. Follow this video certemente that can help you relax and fall asleep.