Whenever I happen to watch a video where a barber in addition to the haircut and shave full beard treatment through massage to the face or head, and the other, as is the case in Turkey in India and other parts of the world a pleasant shiver I climb from the belly to the head and then spreads throughout the body. All the tensions of the body dissolve and I feel a pleasant sense of relaxation. In a few moments later more and more into the person in the video is receiving treatment in identifying with him I feel I can almost hear the same pleasurable sensations he is feeling who really enjoys the massage of the face or head. I ‘a wonderful feeling that I wish would never end. We know that the videos do not last forever so I eventually an abrupt return to reality. Even if I feel more calm and relaxed. I realize that what I feel in watching these videos is not the case at all. At this point you do not have to try. Many experts say that to relax enough to find the so-called “Tingles” just who do the job.

Visit New York

Needless to say the things to do in New York are a lot depends on the time available but let’s see what are the attractions that usually all visitors from around the world can not help but visit:
EMPIRE STATE BUILDING icon of the Big Apple where you can admire the whole city;
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Dubai Tour HD

Dubai the wonderland of fun, sea, magical place with extraordinary works of architecture, city of the future lit by the many skyscrapers, attentive to the welfare of its citizens and visitors, the city to visit at least once in their lifetime.


The perception of time

Who among us has never had the experience of living of minutes long, that he had the impression that time has stood still, or on the contrary, to hear the time to escape, fly, and magare to experience regret? Are common situations in the life of all, they prove that the perception of time is almost never objective, that is, corresponding to the real movement of the clock hands, but as it is often influenced by our moods and our attitudes against what we are experiencing. The student who at school is concerned interrogation and waiting for the end of the hour as the liberation from a nightmare, the minutes will live as eternal; as well as the girl waiting for the appointment with the love lives waiting as long as the time you spend with him will seem too short, it will pass in a flash. What causes this? First, as already mentioned, it depends on our attitude towards what we are experiencing: if we are doing something that interests us, which attracts our attention, that we like, then time will seem short, if on the contrary we get bored , we do things that do not arouse particular interest, or even there are unpleasant, time will seem to pass ever, we live it as much longer than it is. Another factor that influences the perception of time is the attention that we pay to its flow: the more attention you pay more the amount of time we seem long. But when we turn in thought to periods that we considered very long as we live them, because no particular event had come to break the monotony, they seem in much shorter memory; on the contrary, a trip or a vacation interesting and pleasant, experienced as very short, in the memory will be much longer. So, almost paradoxically, we can say that working having many commitments, we shorten the days and we lengthen life.

ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response)

ASMR is a relaxation technique that led away anxiety and helps you sleep. This method applies to many but not for all. ASMR is short Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response is known by this acronym because it was first developed
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