Fearless 28 a very special motor boat

It is not the first time that an automotive company has an interest in activities other than the core business and engages in the construction of boats and yachts.  Continua a leggere “Fearless 28 a very special motor boat”

Baja 36 Outlaw the high performance great efficiency boat.

Baja Marine is one of the three brands of high performance boats together with Donzi Marine and Fountain Powerboat which is now part of the Iconic Marine Group (IMG). Continua a leggere “Baja 36 Outlaw the high performance great efficiency boat.”

Eliminator Speedster 255 handling, elegance and performance.

Eliminator Boats is a top-level company famous for its production of beautiful customized fast boats. This company was born in 1969 from the passion of building fast and exclusive boats, of its talented founder Bob Leach who started building boats for some friends before his passion became a job with the creation of a real commercial company one of the most important in the construction of custom boats. The company translates customers’ dreams into reality through designs that always use more advanced technologies. Continua a leggere “Eliminator Speedster 255 handling, elegance and performance.”