Tag: zodiac
ZODIAC N-Zo 680 il gommone del rinnovamento.
Con la serie N-ZO, Zodiac la più famosa e antica Azienda al mondo nella costruzione di gommoni si rinnova e con l’occasione cambia anche il logo Aziendale,
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Each zodiac sign is called a planet system solare.In astrology the Sun and the Moon are considered planets.
The Sun and the Moon are called two luminanti because illuminate the earth day and night.
For each planet it is associated with a precious stone.
The moon is associated with the pearl which is an organic substance;
The planet Mercury his gem is agate;
Venus its stones are mostly green as emerald and jade;
Mars gems are bright red in particular the ruby. The bright red coral befits this planet;
Jupiter its color is the blue of his stones are the sapphire, the turquoise. Ivory is ruled by Jupiter;
Saturn stones are mainly dark as onyx;
Uranus can be represented by all the gems fuorescenti like the eye of Cat and star sapphire;
Neptune God of the sea as the stones are actually organic substances such as pearl and corallo.Fra minerals jade and aquamarine;
For Plato the minerals are the jasper and dark garnet.
A cascade of gemstones