Districarsi oggi, sui numerosi suggerimenti “cosmetici” non è certo facile. Se si apre una rivista femminile, ci sono numerosi consigli, inviti, suggerimenti, per diventare belle, più belle, ultra belle, super belle, bellissime.
The daily care of your body
Take care of your body’s own physical well being systematically every day also helps the mind to clear all the troublesome thoughts accumulated during the day. It also helps to eliminate some possible inner obstacle that creates us anxiety and stress. In short, it helps us to find inner equilibrium needed to feel good about ourselves.
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La cura giornaliera del proprio corpo
Prendersi cura del proprio corpo del proprio benessere fisico sistematicamente tutti i giorni aiuta anche la mente a sgombrare tutti i pensieri molesti accumulati durante la giornata. Aiuta anche a eliminare qualche eventuale ostacolo interiore che ci crea ansia e stress. Insomma ci aiuta a trovare quell’equilibrio interiore necessario per stare bene con noi stessi.
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Sounds and relaxation
Today I want you to fully relax, sleep through the sounds that enter directly into your ears through the earphones. It ‘important to identify, from a range of sounds that are pleasing to hear, what are the sounds, there are very relax and fall asleep. If we know them will be easier to orient and choose between various video ASMR circulating on You Tube which are those that do more for us. Therefore I’ll hear a series of sounds through a video of a good ASMR artist, I suggest you listen several times, just to locate and select your favorite sounds. Good relaxation.