MTI RP 52 outstanding performance in a wide variety of conditions

The American shipyard MTI (Marine Technology Inc.) of the American offshore champion Randy Scism, produces exclusive and very fast boats signed Randy Scism. Continua a leggere “MTI RP 52 outstanding performance in a wide variety of conditions”

MTI RP 52 prestazioni eccezionali in un’ampia varietà di condizioni

Il cantiere americano MTI (Marine Technology Inc.) del campione americano offshore Randy Scism,  produce barche esclusive e velocissime firmate Randy Scism. Continua a leggere “MTI RP 52 prestazioni eccezionali in un’ampia varietà di condizioni”

RP 38 the smallest catamaran of the pleasure series built by Marine Technology Inc

RP 38 is a high performance recreational catamaran built by Marine Technology Inc (MTI) an industry leading shipyard American  in the production of fast and safe boats. Continua a leggere “RP 38 the smallest catamaran of the pleasure series built by Marine Technology Inc”

RP 38 il catamarano più piccolo della serie piacere costruito da Marine Technology Inc

RP 38 è un catamarano da diporto ad alte prestazioni  costruito da Marine Technology Inc (MTI) un cantiere leader del settore nella produzione di barche veloci e sicure. Continua a leggere “RP 38 il catamarano più piccolo della serie piacere costruito da Marine Technology Inc”

MTI RP 48 the stable and safe catamaran at all speeds.

The added value of the American shipyard MTI (Marine Technology Inc.), one of the most famous in the world specialized in the production of exuberant performance boats, is to be attributed to the quality of their constructions in particular to the designs of the hulls linked to the direct sporting experience of the founder of the shipyard Randy Scism, several times offshore world champion, for a long time in charge of the Victory Team, the invincible squadron that has brought so many victories to Dubai, capital of one of the seven United Arab Emirates, in the Offshore Class 1. Continua a leggere “MTI RP 48 the stable and safe catamaran at all speeds.”