Tag: vela
ClubSwan 125 Skorpios il superyacht a vela dalle prestazioni competitive.
Il Superyacht a vela ClubSwan 125 Skorpios è stato realizzato dalla divisione ad alte prestazioni la ClubSwan Yachts del gruppo finlandese Nautor’s Swan che attualmente è organizzato in 4 divisioni 3 per le barche a vele e una per le barche a motori. Continua a leggere “ClubSwan 125 Skorpios il superyacht a vela dalle prestazioni competitive.”
Bavaria C42 is cruising sailboat for the family
Cruising sailboats are the most requested and in order to establish themselves in an increasingly demanding and competitive market, they must be designed to offer enough space and comfort for the owner and the family and be easily manageable by a small crew. In addition, they must have a favorable quality / price ratio because a real family boat must offer so much at the right price. Continua a leggere “Bavaria C42 is cruising sailboat for the family”
Bavaria C42 la barca a vela da crociera per la famiglia