Hunting for Morfeo


For starters created a peaceful place to be comfortable safe where you can close his eyes without worries. Turn off your phone and lowers the lights and try to isolate you from outside noise as possible. Make sure that nothing can disturb you, take this time for yourself, made this gift. Now lie down comfortably on the bed or on the couch, as you prefer and find a comfortable position. Do not cross your legs and arms every part of the body must be free to relax. Continua a leggere “Hunting for Morfeo”

Visiting Berlin

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Berlin the city with two faces that keeps both the charm of an important and historical cities of the old continent that an interesting and modern European metropolis. Able to meet the needs of young people and adults.
Berlin thanks to its public transport system is very convenient and well organized, which is based on an integrated system of bus, Metro (called U-Bahn), and surface trains (S-Bahn) and boats on rivers and canals, is very easy to move . Thus even with limited time you can visit several attractions. Let’s start with those things that every tourist in the world visiting Berlin saw.
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Labor and technology


They say that what we are experiencing now is the fourth industrial revolution.

The question is always the same that if this new technological revolution will increase or decrease the jobs? From a careful investigation shows that in 2020 many workplaces today resist vanish. Also millions of jobs will be lost because replaced by robots and intelligent machines.

factory automation robotics

This is an important indication of which will reflect the new generations. So what are the trades that will be most affected by this automation?

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From this investigation it appears that the administrative sector will once again be more affected by the advance of robotics and artificial intelligence. Many jobs in this sector will be replaced by a few employees who with the help of innovations such as the web and artificial intelligence will be in charge of the routine tasks of the sector.


In addition, the same survey revealed that more than accountants and intermediate collar jobs, jobs that will be most affected by automation will be those related to transport, mechanics, constructions, through the use of modular structures and standardized. While the trades related to leisure, including entertainment, personal care, skilled jobs such as data analysts or salespeople specialized workers to social services and health professions high school, will be less affected by automation. Not everyone is pessimistic because in the end all the technological revolutions have increased jobs. If the robot has made unnecessary the workers who saldavano plates of vehicles, the use of robots has increased production and has spawned the factories that build robots.


And then it should note that trades high craftsmanship in the future will be important.
