All three brands have a loyalty of customers that date back to the 70s and after more than five decades their boats while maintaining the characteristics that distinguish them represent the best that the market can offer for innovations, performance, functionality and design, all this thanks also to the IMG group which managed to support them by hiring the best professionals in the various sectors.
The company currently offers three models of various sizes all included in the range called Outlaw, the most advanced in the sector in terms of performance, safety, durability and reliability.
The Baja 36 Outlaw boat, 37 feet 1 inch (11.30 m) long and 8 feet 6 inches wide (2.62 m) is the largest model in the range. The boat has a True-V hull, reinforced with carbon fiber, made to withstand the most difficult conditions. The external layout has been developed to experience the sea in complete relaxation and safety in the open area both when sailing and when standing still with spacious sunbathing areas, an aluminum swimming platform with a swimming ladder. The lighting is LED and a customizable JL sound system is installed on the boat.
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