The vitamins that affect the skin


When we feel out of energy a bit ‘down and we feel that our body is stressed out for the hectic and busy lives we lead without consulting your doctor run to the pharmacy to buy vitamins without even knowing what in particular we need. In the past, vitamins were prescribed to correct a lack only integrative purpose, however, are now used to exploit their healing ability is why it is important to know for each vitamin its precise function.
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The skin of the body’s front door

The skin is vital in our body that goes beyond the aesthetic-looking. Just think that the living skin daily contact with a whole series of external agents sometimes very harmful, where it exerts a continuous defensive action. The skin consists of three main states superimposed: epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue. Each has a specific role
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The self-massage and line problems

The self-massage is the manual massage that you can do alone. Obviously with the self-massage you can not solve complicated cases of strictly therapeutic medical expertise but you can certainly groped reduce cellulite that threatens certain areas of the body or to obtain a general tonic effect with satisfactory results even if you secure a certain constancy.
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The perfect posture of women

The first judgment that is given to a woman depends largely on the way he moves, the way she walks, like climbing the stairs, as he sits, like in and out of a car, as it runs. All this is very important to judge whether a woman is safe, relaxed and that arouses sympathy and admiration in those around her. In summary, the behavior of women is one of the essential elements of elegance and aesthetics.
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