The vitamins that affect the skin


When we feel out of energy a bit ‘down and we feel that our body is stressed out for the hectic and busy lives we lead without consulting your doctor run to the pharmacy to buy vitamins without even knowing what in particular we need. In the past, vitamins were prescribed to correct a lack only integrative purpose, however, are now used to exploit their healing ability is why it is important to know for each vitamin its precise function.


To the topic you want to now deal with, it is crucial to know what are the vitamins that influence and affect in particular the skin so you can better control any use.

We start from the action of this vitamin A is important for the healing process of wounds and is indicated even when the palms of hands and soles of the feet become very hard and calloused. In addition, it is prescribed for many disorders of pathological skin conditions like juvenile acne. Beware though that the disproportionate use of these vitamins causes the same symptoms caused by its lack, such as excessive dryness of the skin, the appearance of reliefs in the follicular layer and a thickening of the horny layer of the extremities.

B vitamins in vitamin B group there are many subspecies of vitamins those affecting the treatment of disorders or skin diseases, is essentially the B2 B5 B6 and B12. The absence of vitamin B2, leads to a typical cutaneous manifestation, called seborrheic dermatitis of the facial skin infection, which is associated with redness and itching. The face becomes red (erythema) and becomes shiny, for the increase in sebum secretion. The lips are thickened, inflamed, cut in several places, often they appear corners of mouth the so-called “boccarole”signs at the mouth. Therefore vitamin B2 is recommended to treat seborrheic both states face both scalp, and dryness and thickening of lips. Vitamin B6 has a very similar function to B2 and often worked to cure the same symptoms. Different is the use of vitamin B5 which plays and has worked to a protective action on the skin and combats hair loss, while vitamins B12, are prescribed to soothe the pain sensitivity in cases of dermatitis and itchy skin diseases and painful.

 Other vitamins that affect them the skin we find that the PP is prescribed when there are inflammatory conditions of the skin due to the sun’s rays and in those cases of eczema where the skin is particularly thickened. Vitamin C is required for its therapeutic function in dermatitis caused by alterations of capillary vessels, and in cases where there is to stimulate the defense processes for those skin diseases which are sometimes effects to decrease the resistance of the organism such as Herpes and canker sores. There are other vitamins involved in dermatological diseases. Vitamin D2, as well as vitamin F, which is used in the therapy of eczema, in particular those constitutional. Vitamin H which action antiseborrheic and pigmentation. Vitamin K, but it’s sometimes useful in the treatment of hives because it prevents the leak fluid from the blood vessels. Finally, vitamin E, which finds its application in chronic degenerative dermatitis.

However, the best advice to ensure our body the vitamin intake is necessary to stock up through a good choice of suitable foods, making use of drugs only in cases of necessity, thus avoiding the dangers of their excessive use.

Where then find the most valuable vitamins:

Vitamin A is included, carrots, potatoes, liver, butter and margarine, vegetables;

Vitamin B1 is, in pork, the oat flour, dried vegetables rye, corn, nuts and peanuts;

Vitamin B2 is found in liver, cabbage, turnips, eggs, milk and poultry;

Vitamin B6 is present in bananas in cabbages, potatoes in American, in wheat, pork loin in beef liver;

Vitamin B12 is contained in the liver, kidneys, milk, meat, fish, in maize and wheat;

Vitamin C is in the rape, in green peppers, spinach, cabbage, citrus fruits, tomatoes, the melons, potatoes, strawberries, raspberries, currants in, in blueberries;

Vitamin D is present and sardines in boxes, in mackerel, herring in the cool, in the fresh shrimp, liver, salmon;

Vitamin E is found in soybean oil, peanuts and corn, margarine, dried beans, butter and eggs;

Vitamin F is contained in vegetable oils of the type of linseed oil;

Vitamin H is not found as such in food, but is processed by bacteria in the gut;

Vitamin K is contained in spinach, kale, in pork liver and oats;

Vitamin PP is in the liver, fish, poultry, veal in and on cereals.

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