Starting from the deck that must always be more livable in navigation but especially when standing still either in the harbor or in a port. With wells that are lowered more and more because below deck space is required to be dedicated to the cabins and always wider to make room for new elements of comfort. The hull must have a very stable and performing hull with a draft that allows you to enter every tourist port of the world. It must be a boat, where it is a pleasure to sail in any condition, safe to manage by a limited crew either for short two-day or longer cruises, around the world.
Precisely to meet these needs the famous French shipyard Amel Yachts founded by Henri Amel in 1965 based in La Rochelle is known for the production of ocean-going ketch sailboats (with two trees) has built a new sailboat that represents a real and it is an innovation for the shipyard because unlike all the other boats built in the past, it is a sloop no ketch. It is a boat with a single shaft 50 feet long (15 meters) called Amel 50 designed by the Barret-Racoupeau studio created to navigate around the world in complete safety but with a simplified boat management.
As the designer Olivier Racoupeau points out: “the development of technical equipment such as motorized winders makes it possible to maneuver a 50-foot sloop more easily and today ketching is no longer necessary on a boat of this size”.
The hull of Amel 50 keeps unchanged all the structural peculiarities of its older brothers the two ketch Amel 55 and Amel 64 but thanks to a length and the lower draft can enter and stop in bays and marinas with even lower depths.
Automation prevails over manual skills, this certainly will not appeal to everyone but Amen 50 is born for this, to simplify the technical management to always enjoy the pleasure of navigation.
The propulsion of the boat is always guaranteed for the presence in the engine room of a 110 hp diesel engine.
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