Baltic 117 Perseverance named best sailing yacht of the year at Boat International WSA 2022.

The Finnish sail yacht builder Baltic Yachts, in addition to creating excellent cruising and racing sailboats, has for years been committed to developing new constructions in the name of sustainable technology, through the research of new materials and environmentally friendly techniques to drastically reduce the environmental impact of its hulls and new technological solutions to minimize the emission of exhaust gases, noise pollution and other types of emissions for the inevitable engines on board, all to protect the environment and preserve the integrity of the sea . Continua a leggere “Baltic 117 Perseverance named best sailing yacht of the year at Boat International WSA 2022.”

Baltic 117  Perseverance  nominato migliore yacht a vela dell’anno al  Boat International WSA 2022.

Il costruttore finlandese di yacht a vela Baltic Yachts oltre a realizzare eccellenti  barche a vela  da crociera e da regate da anni è impegnato a  sviluppare  nuove   costruzioni  all’insegna della tecnologia sostenibile, attraverso la ricerca   di nuovi  materiali  e tecniche ecocompatibili per ridurre drasticamente l’impatto ambientale dei suoi scafi e nuove soluzione  tecnologiche  per ridurre al minimo l’emissione di gas di scarico, inquinamento acustico e  emissioni di altro tipo per gli inevitabili motori presenti a bordo, il tutto per tutelare l’ambiente e  preservare l’integrità  del  mare. Continua a leggere “Baltic 117  Perseverance  nominato migliore yacht a vela dell’anno al  Boat International WSA 2022.”

On the women’s side b

We must not hide the man to very carefully to the side of women b. It happens frequently that shameless men also come publicly to make compliments to the lower back of a woman would seem that almost all would appreciate it.
Continua a leggere “On the women’s side b”


The Zodiac sign of Aries denotes: impulsiveness, courage, action, spirit of adventure, a desire to fight. logoarietetrasp

21Marzo – April 20

The Zodiac of TORO denotes: creative power, perseverance, stubbornness.
logotorotrasp April 21 to May 20.

The Zodiac TWINS denotes: duality, agility, sottiglezza, indecision.
May 21 to June 21. logogemellitrasp

The Zodiac CANCER denotes: sensebilità, whim, the dream, the timidity, impressionability.
June 22 to July 22. logocancrotrasp

The Zodiac LION denotes: ardor, the strength, the power, the authority, stability.
July 23 to August 23. logoleonetrasp

The Zodiac sign of the VIRGIN denotes: common sense, logic, rationalism, analysis, fussiness.
August 24 to September 22. logoverginetrasp

The Zodiac sign of Libra denotes: justice, balance, charm.
September 23 to October 22. logobilanciatrasp

The Zodiac SCORPION denotes: aggression, combativeness, mistrust, destruction and regeneration.
October 23 to November 22. logoscorpionetrasp

The Zodiac sign of SAGITTARIUS denotes: idealism, ambition, travel, adventure
November 23 to December 21. logosagittariotrasp

The Zodiac sign of Capricorn denotes: the commitment, the will, the ambition, patience
December 22 to January 20. logocapricornotrasp

The Zodiac denotes AQUARIUM: progress, originality, invezione, socialization.
January 21 to February 19. logoacquariotrasp

The Zodiac FISH denotes: mysticism, shyness, sensitivity, indecision, the occult sciences, compassion.
February 20 to March 20. logopescitrasp