Multiple choice questions on basic excel

With this fourth group of questions on basic excel prevailing intention is to draw attention to the use of sums of formulas to be done only if certain conditions occur. The correct syntax is essential for those who want to use excel as a calculation tool. With this series of quizzes you have the opportunity to see what is your familiar using these formulas and the correct syntax.

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Wrestling questionnaire on rules


Wrestling questionario sulle regole.

MMA un match davvero completo

L’ incontro di  MMA o arti marziali miste tra McGregor e Chad Mendes dello scorso anno  evidenzia  le numerose tecniche di combattimento  che questa disciplina  comprende. Sicuramente MMA rappresenta lo  sport più completo tra i   combattimenti di arti marziali. Infatti il match alterna fasi sia a piedi che a terra con tecniche  di striking (calci, pugni, ginocchiate, gomitate) che di grapping (strangolamenti, portate a terra, leve articolari) e si conclude con il KO Chad Mendes.
Un match davvero completo sotto il profilo tecnico.

MMA un match davvero completo

MMA Top 20 KO and TKO UFC history

The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC acronym) is the most important organization in mixed martial arts (MMA) globally. It 2013 ‘UFC has celebrated its first 20 years, creating a video with the Top 20 knockouts and Tko
We are facing a KO (Knock Out) when an athlete lost consciousness due to a stroke or strokes.
Instead, we are faced with a TKO (Technical Knock Out) when the end of the match is established by an arbitral intervention aimed at preserving the health of an athlete no longer able to defend himself intelligently.