Diabetics in growth in big cities


The hectic pace of the big cities, the spend much time on public transport to get to their jobs, or even worse to spend several hours in the car of the day bottled in traffic for urban journeys, this lifestyle would favor the onset of diabetes in fact, type 2 by a recent study which involved a sample of residents in five major cities showed that a body weakened by stress, noise and commuting would cause the pancreas to stop producing insulin or at least to produce a quantity of less than that required by determining the onset of diabetes. This study is a response to the sharp increase of diabetics has registered in recent years in the inhabitants of big cities. In light of this important study it is hoped that governments take into account the working conditions of residents in big cities.




I want to help you tune in to your natural rhythm of being. The best thing you can do now to your body is to give him the gradual release of its resistance. Your physical body without resistance finds its natural state of well-being. If you focus on thoughts that make you feel good you allow your cells to return to the original state of natural balance to connect your internal source of tremendous energy. Ispiri- exhale cells of your body are coordinated by your source and have the power to find their balance at any time. Inspire – breathe out when you relax with your breath and you let go it will be to keep your body in a state of well-being and any ailments you suffer for some time will be reduced gradually and the body will react very quickly to the absence of resistance you feel when breaths. Each physical body can return to its natural state of being. Your body is related to your mind and release resistance will result in a positive change and as you listen and breathe tuned to the natural frequency of the welfare benefits that will guide you towards behavior and wonderful things will happen. Plus six serene less manifest forms of resistance and as you breathe your alignment with the well-being becomes stronger every day in an atmosphere devoid of resistance alimenterai clarity and life changing positively. Depending on the content of the thoughts your body reacts and at this time in this place on your body it is benefiting. Inspires-exhale. Life must be nice it is to satisfy your dreams. Did everything perfectly to the physical well-being is coming Relax

Relaxació agradable


Acuéstese en un còmode sofà o llit suau assumir una posició còmoda en un racó de la casa, on ningú no pot venir i el cas disturbare.In d’una emergència, la seva ment sempre es mantindrà vigilant en tot moment i es pot actuar en conseqüència.
Tanca els ulls

Prengui una respiració lenta i profunda i relaxar-se. Inspirat pel nas i exhala lentament amb la boca encara més lentament;

Fins i tot una respiració profunda i relaxar deixar anar, relaxar! relaxat! relaxat! deixar anar;

Un altre alè i relaxat.

Ara en llibertat a tots els músculs de la cara i que es vagin, el front, els ulls, els alumnes han surar sota les parpelles relaxar-se, la mandíbula, les dents no han de tocar, pots empassar en qualsevol moment.
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Relaxation particular


Remember that moment in life that you tried good about yourself and particularly relaxed. Back with your mind at that moment and if there have been more moments just no matter which one you choose and when you choose it, you have to immerse within this memory and you have to imagine reliving it now.
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