” For me the priority, and most of the time dedicated, is to make sure that a boat is first of all beautiful to see. The fact that it goes well with sailing comes soon after, it is a consequence. It also applies to racing boats “.
Therefore Ngoni will surely be remembered in history as the last yacht designed by the famous English designer. The interiors were designed by Rich Baker and Paul Morgan, while the furnishings are designed by Francis Sultana. The realization of this luxury yacht was performed at the excellent Dutch shipyard of the Royal Huisman. This shipyard was chosen directly by the experienced sailor owner, especially for offshore racing.
The project was presented for the first time during the Monaco Yacht Show 2014 and followed the owner’s guidelines. After three years of work the boat has been completed with great satisfaction of all in the first place of the owner. “Build a beast. Do not make me a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This must be a sharp and innovative weapon, fast and furious. I want to get behind the wheel after a day of sailing and feel completely exhausted by the excitement of fast sailing “.
This was the first input that the shipowner recommended by addressing the chosen shipyard. When completed, we can say that the Royal Huisman certainly did not disappoint the expectations. In fact, Ngoni also known as The Beast name deriving from the first explicit request of the shipowner is a well-crafted elegant boat where an appropriate balance between speed, seaworthiness and long-range cruising capacity solicited by the owner has been achieved.
A suite of owners, aft, which includes a full-beam master cabin with built-in furniture, a huge bathroom, a large study with its own bathroom and a huge gym with a large hatch in the hull to let in fresh air and natural light.
There are lodgings near the machine hall for a maximum of 9 crew members. The owner of this boat has owned other sailing yachts and actively participates in the regattas.
He won numerous trophies in important regattas including the Cowes Week and in particular won the important Commodores’Cup in 2000. He names all his yachts with an exotic name Ngoni, refers to the people of Africa precisely to an ethnic group that he lives in the southern African countries of Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia and the singular language of this people as well as the unique character of sailing boats.
The owner became a millionaire in the energy sector former oil platform diver was the founder of Heritage Oil, which then sold for $ 1.4 billion. He is also the owner of Diamond Works, a Canadian mining company. He was previously also a security consultant for various governments. Its net worth is estimated at around 700 million dollars.
Given their reputation for excellence, Royal Huisman has been the owner’s choice of construction site right from the start, “said Ed Dubois. “This is a compelling design that does not take for granted the combination of high performance, style and comfort. It is a design that marks a fresh and progressive turning point in our long and successful history. This is a yacht, inspired by a customer looking for the next new thing; a dream project for both designers and the shipyard “
Main specifications
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