Tag: essence
Dubai with a careful urban planning and through the realization of impressive modern architectural projects using carefully selected materials and advanced technologies in every sector of the buildings and installations has been able to transform large areas that until recently were occupied by sand dunes in the desert major attractions making the city one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world.
Moscow the essence of Russia
Moscow is the essence of Russia and is the ideal place to visit.
There is no tourist in the world that has been in Moscow who has not visited at least the first three of the following attractions:
RED SQUARE icon of Moscow center of the capital, spectacular, huge, solemn;
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Each zodiac sign has its own fragrance that is used to increase or reduce the characteristics of your sign.
What are these perfumes?
Let us first a scheme very simplified and then we see the relationship between the zodiac signs and smells associated with them.
The Zodiac of ‘ARIES is the first sign of the zodiac
March 21-April 20 .L’essenza astral lavender enhances the ability to achieve their goals in love and increases the power of the person.
The Zodiac of BULL is the second sign of the zodiac
April 21 – 20 Maggio.La rose fragrance helps to overcome difficulties related to work and increases the personal charm.
The Zodiac TWINS is the third sign of the zodiac
May 21 to June 21. Oregano decreases the vanity that for those born under this sign is dangerously high and helps to overcome the indecision and apathy.
The Zodiac sign of Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac
June 22 to July 22. Lilac controls passion much accentuated cancer and helps positively on situations of work and money.
The Zodiac LION is the fifth sign of the zodiac
July 23 – 23 Agosto.L’essenza incense helps increase altruism, goodness and benefits on the family and reduces the tendency to violence.
The Zodiac sign of VIRGO is the sixth sign of the zodiac
August 24 – 22 Settembre.Il scent of hyacinth prevents estemismi and improves concentration.
The Zodiac sign of Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac
September 23 – 22 Ottobre.L’odore of verbena rising sensuality, eroticism and flair in business and mitigates the balance that too often dominates the sign that Could be an obstacle.
The Zodiac sign of Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac
October 23 – 22 Novembre.L’erica avoid obstacles and helps to overcome the anxiety and calms fears.
The Zodiac sign of Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac
November 23 – 21 Dicembre.L’odore of violet makes increasing optimism and humor and helps to achieve the objectives and promotes inner peace.
The Zodiac sign of Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac
December 22 to January 20. Honeysuckle Builds Character, makes more optimistic and does improve family relationships.
The Zodiac of ‘AQUARIUS is the eleventh sign of the zodiac
January 21 – 19 Febbraio.La fern calm anxiety characteristic of those born under this sign, stimulates us to face and overcome obstacles and constant disappointments.
The Zodiac sign of PISCES is the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac
February 20 – 20 Marzo.Il jasmine helps the humor and keen observation already typical of the sign and helps to control the self-destructive tendency.