That is, boats that, besides being practical and safe, come with really exclusive lines. To do this, the famous French builder turned to a famous Italian designer Vittorio Garrone.
The experience of a large company along with the Italian designer has made it possible to create truly modern and elegant boats, while at the same time safe and manageable.
The hull and deck are made of fiberglass with polyester resins and tubular neoprene fabric. The great peculiarity of this boat is in any case of technical order, in fact, the hull of 656 cm, just 24 cm below the maximum length overboard, comes with a long and deep V hull designed to ensure smooth navigation both in straight line and In turns even at slopes supported as 40 knots at 5.700 rpm or 6.000 rpm at 42 knots.
In the blanket all the space has been optimized to facilitate onboard activities. The pilot station is very comfortable with a slim console that allows to reduce the space used and increase the boat’s habitability.
The sofas are placed above the tubulars to recover a lot of space in the cockpit while the penetrating part is easily transformed into a sunbathing area.
Cabin: NO; Cavalli MAX: 200 hp
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