Of these, 16 received the Compasso d’Oro award and 56 others received an honorable mention from the international jury. Finally, 11 Compasso d’Oro career awards were awarded, as well as 3 prizes and 10 Targa Giova certificates of merit, the latter being awarded to projects carried out in Italian design university schools by young people at the beginning of their career.
In the Italian design term all the forms of industrial design invented and realized in Italy are included, including interior design, urban design, fashion design and architectural design.
The Award Ceremony was held in Milan on June 20th this year at the Cortile della Rocchetta, inside the Castello Sforzesco, where Tango together with other products that took part in the prize giving ceremony were the protagonists of an exhibition open to the public from 21 to 26 June.
Tango is exactly the boat we wanted to achieve when we started to develop the project: extremely clean lines and an aggressive look, reflecting the high performance of its DNA “, then continues, ” The Honorable Mention validates the design path that generated this superyacht and at the same time ratifies the identifying styles of our brand, thanks to which Wally has become a reference for nautical design and not only “.
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