The skin and beauty produces


Extricate today, on the numerous “cosmetic” suggestions it is certainly not easy. If you open a women’s magazine, there are many tips, invitations, suggestions, to become beautiful, the most beautiful, ultra fine, super beautiful, beautiful.
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The Zodiac sign of Aries denotes: impulsiveness, courage, action, spirit of adventure, a desire to fight. logoarietetrasp

21Marzo – April 20

The Zodiac of TORO denotes: creative power, perseverance, stubbornness.
logotorotrasp April 21 to May 20.

The Zodiac TWINS denotes: duality, agility, sottiglezza, indecision.
May 21 to June 21. logogemellitrasp

The Zodiac CANCER denotes: sensebilità, whim, the dream, the timidity, impressionability.
June 22 to July 22. logocancrotrasp

The Zodiac LION denotes: ardor, the strength, the power, the authority, stability.
July 23 to August 23. logoleonetrasp

The Zodiac sign of the VIRGIN denotes: common sense, logic, rationalism, analysis, fussiness.
August 24 to September 22. logoverginetrasp

The Zodiac sign of Libra denotes: justice, balance, charm.
September 23 to October 22. logobilanciatrasp

The Zodiac SCORPION denotes: aggression, combativeness, mistrust, destruction and regeneration.
October 23 to November 22. logoscorpionetrasp

The Zodiac sign of SAGITTARIUS denotes: idealism, ambition, travel, adventure
November 23 to December 21. logosagittariotrasp

The Zodiac sign of Capricorn denotes: the commitment, the will, the ambition, patience
December 22 to January 20. logocapricornotrasp

The Zodiac denotes AQUARIUM: progress, originality, invezione, socialization.
January 21 to February 19. logoacquariotrasp

The Zodiac FISH denotes: mysticism, shyness, sensitivity, indecision, the occult sciences, compassion.
February 20 to March 20. logopescitrasp