The tissues of the body, losing consistency and elasticity, could be released, the muscles weakened without counting the dangers that the skin runs following a weight loss diet that eliminates fats from the table too drastically. However, the most difficult thing is not to lose weight but to maintain the hard-earned levels.
Therefore a diet based on a wide variety of foods should be followed. Normally we tend to eliminate cereals, bread, potatoes, rich carbohydrate sources. Remember that carbohydrates are essential even during a weight loss treatment, because they provide the reserve that the liver needs to give the body sufficient energy.
Antoine dissociated diet: it consists of eating every day with a different food without quantity limits, and with the absolute prohibition of drinking during meals. Usually, the succession of foods is as follows:
Diet of Gayelord –Hauseur: proposes a genuine diet based on fruits, vegetables, vegetable juices, foods based on whole grains, unpolished rice and milk; denies the use of sugar, refined white flour, animal fats, mayonnaise, alcohol, cuddles, etc. Particularly recommend wheat germs and the relative oil; cod liver oil, brewer’s yeast, milk powder.
Milky diet: one liter of milk, divided into five portions to drink during the day.
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