We are not talking about the Helios boat the Italian boat made with photovoltaic sails where the sails are covered by silicon flexible solar cells that capture solar energy which is then converted into electricity that powers a motor.
Solar waves are only in experimental stages, research is once again aimed at the materials to be used that can capture as many photons as possible.
The benefits of this technology are that it is possible to realize small probes with solar sails and make them travel to the boundaries of the solar system always powered by the unexploded sun without using chemical propellants which would otherwise be exhausted. In 2010, a small sailboat was launched in the orbit, where it remained for 240 days and then returned to the atmosphere. In 2018, a small sail space probe should begin a trip to a distant asteroid. The development of this technology will one day allow low cost to explore the entire Solar System.
“In the end, solar sail is winning in terms of final speed for the hare and turtle principle,” explains Les Johnson, NASA’s Advanced Technical Concept Advisor at the Marshall Space Flight Center. “A chemical propulsion rocket can provide a great initial boost, but at some point exhausts the fuel. “Because the sail does not use fuel, it will continue to travel as long as the sun shines.”
But let’s go back to earth is not the first time that aerospace research carried out by NASA itself or searches for military use are widely used in civilian life. Not even too far away, carbon fiber was first used in the aerospace industry, and is now largely used in the construction of hulls and sailboats. For this reason, it is not so much science fiction that it is possible that materials that can be used for the construction of solar spares for space use can in future be used for the construction of sailboats for use in evenings on dead calm days. It would be really a spell if in the near future we could use the same sails both with the wind and with the sun. We will no longer need to turn on the onboard engines except in exceptional cases so the boats that run the seas would be really ecological. Science or science fiction will only discover it by living.
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