The gentle massage, light and superficial

    When we resort to manual massage for the treatment of cellulite especially in advanced stage violent massage should never be used as initial therapy.

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Il massaggio dolce, leggero e superficiale

  Quando si ricorre ai massaggi manuali per la cura della cellulite specie se in fase avanzata il massaggio violento non deve mai essere impiegato come terapia d’attacco.  Bisogna praticare anche per lungo tempo un…

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The perfect posture of women

The first judgment that is given to a woman depends largely on the way he moves, the way she walks, like climbing the stairs, as he sits, like in and out of a car, as…

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Il portamento perfetto delle donne

Il primo giudizio che viene dato a una donna dipende in gran parte dal modo con cui si muove, come cammina, come sale le scale, come si siede, come entra ed esce da un’automobile, come…

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The effects of massage

  The effects of massage can be positive or negative or even harmful depends on who is practiced. Therefore, the massage can heal or exacerbate second masseur chosen. Before you get massaged it is useful…

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