Yacht di lusso Why 58×38 l’isola che viaggia.

Why 58×38 metri è uno yacht in fase di realizzazione molto innovativo che nasce dalla collaborazione tra due aziende Hermès Yachts e Wally Yachts che con l’occasione hanno creato una joint venture di nome WHY…

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When you decide to spend a day at sea with a boat out what you ask and to live his days outdoors. The Wallypower47 boat is 14,70 meters long which are perfectly integrated design and…

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Quando si decide di passare delle giornate al mare uscendo con un’imbarcazione quello che si chiede e di vivere le giornate all’aperto. Il Wallypower47 è un’imbarcazione lunga 14,70 metri dove s’integrano perfettamente design e tecnologia,…

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Encore Seabourn ship for ultra-luxury cruises

From the press office of Fincantieri November 30, 2016 Is the ceremony of “Seabourn Encore”, the first of two super-luxury cruise ships ordered from Fincantieri by the shipping company Seabourn Cruise Line, Carnival Corporation brand,…

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The World is not Enough Fastest Yachts in the World

The yacht Millennium 140, later renamed The World is not Enough (for the passion they have for the owners of the James Bond movies where the world does not just refers to the title of…

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