To execute the commands used in excel how to select, cut, copy and paste is useful to learn its shortcut commands. The commands are Sceta quick keyboard commands therefore make us independent from mice also have the advantage that are always the same regardless of the version of Excel used.
Selecting the appropriate command from the shortcut you are obtained by pressing the Ctrl key on the keyboard plus the star key on the numeric keypad in short Ctrl + *;
Cut its shortcut command is obtained by pressing the Ctrl key on the keyboard plus the x key briefly Ctrl + x;
Copy its shortcut command is obtained by pressing the Ctrl key on the keyboard at the same time more pressing c briefly Ctrl + c;
Paste its command shortcut is obtained by pressing the Ctrl key on the keyboard at the same time more pressing v briefly Ctrl + v.
These are commonly used commands sieti interested in the subject but if we analyze other shortcut commands.