Visit Washington

Any person for any reason is in the United States of America can not go home without visiting the capital before Washington and its attractions. First of all the famous White House , the official…

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Visitare Washington

Qualsiasi persona che per qualsiasi motivo si reca negli Stati Uniti d’ America non può ritornare a casa senza aver visitato prima la capitale Washington con le sue attrazioni. In primis la famosa Casa Bianca…

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Domande a risposta multipla su excel di base # II°gruppo

Per altri Quiz vai a questo link Domande a risposta multipla su excel di base

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Multiple choice questions on basic excel

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The announcement of the Australian family Kidman, who raises cattle for over 100 years, to auction their land holding in Australia, as large as the Bulgheria or Portugal and over a third of Italy has…

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