Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63 a Lamborghini on the water.

After the production of the first Lamborghini SUV, with sharp lines and aggressive appearance inspired by the coupé of the same Italian car manufacturer, all fans of this brand are curiously waiting to know how the new fast yacht called Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63 will cut the waves. that the Volkswagen group of which Automobili Lamborghini has been a part since 1998 has decided to build together The Italian Sea Group one of the most renowned companies in the international nautical sector, which includes three brands Admiral, Tecnomar and NCA Refit. Continua a leggere “Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63 a Lamborghini on the water.”

Apache 24 TS Speedster the Apache speedboat.

Apache 24 TS Speedster is a fast speedboat, the smallest model currently made by the Apache Powerboats brand.

Let’s say right away that the main feature of Apache 24 TS Speedster is that driven by a single engine it is possible to fly it with extreme maneuverability at a strong pace even in “rough” waters. Continua a leggere “Apache 24 TS Speedster the Apache speedboat.”

Cigarette Racing 42X beauty and performance

Cigarette Racing is the most famous company in the world in the construction of high-performance motor boats for this reason it cannot see others, it must only look forward, propose, innovate, set trends without ever making mistakes. Continua a leggere “Cigarette Racing 42X beauty and performance”

Apache 47 ‘Longbow and Tomahawk performance in rough waters

Those who want to buy a boat for fast movements that are guaranteed even in not so favorable marine conditions, most likely must also focus their attention on the high-performance boats of the Apache Powerboats brand. Continua a leggere “Apache 47 ‘Longbow and Tomahawk performance in rough waters”