Dubai Tour HD

Dubai the wonderland of fun, sea, magical place with extraordinary works of architecture, city of the future lit by the many skyscrapers, attentive to the welfare of its citizens and visitors, the city to visit at least once in their lifetime.


Visiting Berlin

Karte_berlin_museumsinsel mappa

Berlin the city with two faces that keeps both the charm of an important and historical cities of the old continent that an interesting and modern European metropolis. Able to meet the needs of young people and adults.
Berlin thanks to its public transport system is very convenient and well organized, which is based on an integrated system of bus, Metro (called U-Bahn), and surface trains (S-Bahn) and boats on rivers and canals, is very easy to move . Thus even with limited time you can visit several attractions. Let’s start with those things that every tourist in the world visiting Berlin saw.
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The Zodiac sign of Aries denotes: impulsiveness, courage, action, spirit of adventure, a desire to fight. logoarietetrasp

21Marzo – April 20

The Zodiac of TORO denotes: creative power, perseverance, stubbornness.
logotorotrasp April 21 to May 20.

The Zodiac TWINS denotes: duality, agility, sottiglezza, indecision.
May 21 to June 21. logogemellitrasp

The Zodiac CANCER denotes: sensebilità, whim, the dream, the timidity, impressionability.
June 22 to July 22. logocancrotrasp

The Zodiac LION denotes: ardor, the strength, the power, the authority, stability.
July 23 to August 23. logoleonetrasp

The Zodiac sign of the VIRGIN denotes: common sense, logic, rationalism, analysis, fussiness.
August 24 to September 22. logoverginetrasp

The Zodiac sign of Libra denotes: justice, balance, charm.
September 23 to October 22. logobilanciatrasp

The Zodiac SCORPION denotes: aggression, combativeness, mistrust, destruction and regeneration.
October 23 to November 22. logoscorpionetrasp

The Zodiac sign of SAGITTARIUS denotes: idealism, ambition, travel, adventure
November 23 to December 21. logosagittariotrasp

The Zodiac sign of Capricorn denotes: the commitment, the will, the ambition, patience
December 22 to January 20. logocapricornotrasp

The Zodiac denotes AQUARIUM: progress, originality, invezione, socialization.
January 21 to February 19. logoacquariotrasp

The Zodiac FISH denotes: mysticism, shyness, sensitivity, indecision, the occult sciences, compassion.
February 20 to March 20. logopescitrasp